Where can I find Coriumpera products?

You can find our products on our online store at

Where are the products made in?

All of our products proudly made in India.

What are the products made of?

All of our products are made with finest quality leather and handcrafted by highly skilled  artisans.

What is the return policy?

We accept returns within the boundaries of 7 days for complete details please visit our rufund policy.

Is coriumpera a luxury brand?

Coriumpera is an innovative premium brand that always thinking of new ways to provide the best service to their customers. Coriumpera has provided their customers with the best experience, and quality that they can get on the luxury level only.

How can I contact the owner of Coriumpera to ask for more information?

You can leave a mail on

Do you ship internationally?

Yes we offer international shipping for more details please visit our shipping policy

Does Coriumpera offer customized products?

Yes Coriumpera customize the products on customer's special orders only.

What is the transit time?

Basically all products are shipped within 2 working days and delivered within 7-15 business days worldwide. Please check our shipping policy for more details.

Does Coriumpera offers Cash on delivery?

Currently cash on delivery feature is not available but it will be available soon in future for domestic shipping only.


What is the shipping charges?

Coriumpera offers free shipping all over the world on standard shipping method. Express shipping method like DHL will be charged additional.